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As women, we know that the journey of ageing isn't a one size fits all. We all have different challenges, opportunities, awareness and perceptions of how we are growing older.


The Ageing With Empowerment - AWE - program is an honest look at what it's like to age in the body of a woman. Our ageing processes are unique, just as we are.


How do I know it works?


Because it is my journey -I have walked this path and come out the other side knowing just how amazing life can be when you remember your power, self-worth and the sheer joy that can fill your life everyday. I have 6 decades of lived experience, as well as other qualifications, and know how destructive those critical voices in your head (and society) can be - however, we can change that and get you on the path to feeling fabulous and Ageing With Empowerment. (read my story here...)


Although this program is based on refocusing your vision of ageing, emotionally and physically, there is a deep spiritual component to it as well. It is about remembering who you are deep down - tapping into your full feminine power and remembering your innate wisdom and authenticity as a woman.


As women, our voices have been silenced for many centuries, we have been squashed, denied, rendered powerless - in order to succeed we have been told we need to act like men, however, I believe our power lies in our unique position of embodying the feminine in all her magnificent glory.


It is time, my glorious woman, to step out of the shadows and move into the light - your light, igniting the spark of Joy, Love and Magic that can fill your life.



​Are you ready to take the leap and begin the journey to becoming your most amazing self?




6 immersive weeks of YOU - chats, information, meditation and connection.

Guiding you to remembering and releasing the magical, magnificent being that you are.



The meditations that we will do together work on a deeply subconscious level and will allow you to release the old narratives and bring in a new vision of yourself and where you fit in the world - they can be deeply transforming and enlightening. Oh, and don't worry if you haven't meditated before - I will gently guide you every step of the way.



There will also be a dedicated telegram channel for daily support and guidance.


So, what does this 6 weeks look like?




What Is Ageing?


  • We discuss the stereotyping, media representation and society’s perception of the ageing woman and how we can change our feelings around this


  • Meditation – a deep dive into where you are now and where you want to be in terms of ageing – this one sets the stage for the following weeks and moves you from fear to loving the process


  • Q and A – time to ask and discuss areas of ageing that are on your mind





Mindset Around Ageing


  • This week we concentrate on changing your focus around ageing

  • The 3 V’s – remembering and becoming Vibrant, Visible and Valuable and how to embed and instill them in your life - embracing your full feminine self


  • Meditation – releasing the need for comparison and competition – in a youth obsesses society this meditation will help to re-frame your thoughts around this and shift your focus from feeling obsolete and outdated to inspired and motivated


  • Q and A – thoughts that may have come up for you over the past week





The Freedom Of Ageing


  • We discuss ways to cut the clutter of life as we get older – discussions around how you can begin the process of clearing your mind, emotions and physical world to create clarity and freedom

  • We also look at ways to enjoy the freedom we now have around children, family, responsibilities and time


  • Meditation – a journey to embrace more abundance and freedom in your everyday life – deeply guiding you to release the feelings of guilt and lack as we instill abundant, positive and peaceful statements into the subconscious


  • Q and A – questions around strategies for enjoying our newly peaceful lives





You Are What You Consume


  • Let’s discuss our changing bodies and attitudes around this – looking at nutrition, alcohol and exercise – a overview of how our changing bodies need a shift in what we eat, drink and do

  • We will also discuss others attitudes around this and how we can be secure and confident in our decisions regarding the management of our own path


  • Meditation – this week we will get down and dirty with releasing the conditioning and beliefs around our self-worth and how that is connected to our vision of ourselves as we age – some big shifts to be done here


  • Q and A – all focused on body love and how to embrace ours





Love In All Its Forms


  • A delicious week where we discuss LOVE – love of self, love of others and love of life – learn to remember how to love yourself and your body, whatever its shape and size – how to let go of expectations around love – yours and others – your sexuality as you age and how to become your own role model


  • Meditation – this is a big one – this week we dive deep and remember the innate love we have for ourselves before someone told us otherwise – we fall in love with ourselves again


  • Q and A – all about love baby





Bringing It All Together


  • This is a catalyst week where we run back through all that we have spoken of and cement it in our minds, so it becomes part of us – allowing JOY, PEACE and LOVE to become the norm – we go back to the vision we saw in week one and see how that sits with us now


  • Meditation – this week we move into the future to see how it has all come together – further remembering and cementing our new vision and self into reality – deep subconscious love


  • Q and A – wrap up and closing




AWE is a beautiful and inspiring journey to remember and rediscover yourself as you move into the next stage of your amazing life.


Delivered online via zoom, join me for a delicious adventure into redefining how we view ageing and our passage into the Maga or Crone. (read more about that here...)


In peace, love and a sprinkle of magic,

Chelle x

Beginning 17th July 2024

Book before 7th July and receive a complimentary 1:1 with Chelle

"Chelle takes a holistic approach, which has helped me to unravel the layers of past trauma, which has contributed to what feels like a life time of negative thoughts and behaviour. 

Each session combined with counselling and Reiki healing, has taught me the use of tools, such as journaling, guided meditation, practising gratitude and the search of positive reading literature. 

I am held accountable for my own healing and the process required to move past self defeating thoughts and behaviour through taking action using these positive new tools. 

On this journey we call life, I will continue to work with Chelle as I continue learn and grow, shedding all the layers of my past, staying present and mindful in any given moment. 

I am very grateful to have such support."


Jess W.

Let’s Work Together

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