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Mentoring for Women


Online via Zoom OR Face to Face

Have you ever felt that, as a woman growing older in today's world, you have

become invisible and undervalued?

For too long we have been taught that the only thing of value is youth and once this is gone, your worth as a woman diminishes. I have found that this is only true if you allow it to be so.

Over the last 10 or so years, I have worked on changing my mindset around getting older and finding

ways to enjoy and embrace the process rather than endure it.


My passion is to inspire and empower women over 40 to feel courageously calm about ageing and I have learned and developed techniques and skills that have brought me to this place of cherishing getting older.

Today more than ever we must continue to challenge the narrative around ageing and remember our

value and wisdom - now is the time to find the joy and peace in our lives as older women and

see ourselves as vibrant, visible and valuable members of our communities.

We all have stories we tell ourselves, sometimes over and over until they become beliefs.

We all live in a space of expectation which keeps us seeing the same outcomes.

We all have the capacity to move and shift these stories and beliefs to allow ourselves to

be free of them and live in a space of joy and peace.

These sessions can be tailored to any area in your life that needs adjustment:

 ** Self Worth and Confidence **

** Health and Well-being **

** Weight Management **

** Relationships - Family - Parenting **

** Work and Career **

** Ageing With Empowerment **

** Grief and Loss**

These sessions are a deep dive into your soul.

Creating a space for you to recognise, release and re-frame your thinking.

There is nothing we cannot speak of, no subject is off limits in these sessions.

It is a space for you to reach deep down into your life experience and release that

which does not serve your higher good.

In these 1:1 Mindset Alchemy sessions:


We will use talking therapy (another term for speaking with each other), meditation,

deep subconscious cleansing and mindfulness.

We will peel back the layers to the remembering of who you truly are.

We will use techniques to re-frame your thoughts and beliefs to bring you to a space

of self healing, self compassion and love.

We will release the conditioning and the narratives that hold you in a space of

beliefs that do not allow you to flourish as you truly can.

We will venture into a deep healing meditation that will unlock and remove

the wounds that keep you stuck and repeating the same stories over and over.

We will challenge your inner critic and quieten her voice as you step into your

deep, innate feminine power.

We will dig deep to remember and unlock your gifts, talents and potential.

We will discuss and discover ways to build your calm courage so you can

walk confidently in the knowledge of your wisdom.

And we will strengthen and awaken your intuition so you can begin to

understand the depths of your capacity as a spiritual soul.


This is my offering and it comes from a place of deep spiritual connection to all that surrounds us

- we are all part of the same amazing energy, all connected, all one.


If you are ready to live a life filled with joy, peace and magic,

If you feel called to walk this path with me, I am here.

Let's Begin - Together

"Today I had the most beautiful mentoring session with Chelle. It was like chatting to an old friend… she listened and teased out of me which direction I want to go in life.

She gave me the encouragement to see things with more clarity and the faith that if I do things for myself I can only win!

She also helped me see that I was focusing on what I am slowly moving away from rather than what I’m moving forward to.

Thank you Chelle… I feel so much appreciation for sharing time with you today”

Bel B.

Let’s Work Together

Please send a message via the form below or phone/text on 0408 942 781

Please choose the service you are enquiring about

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