She could feel her heart beating
As she sat in quiet stillness
She contemplated its beat
The steady rhythm of life
Reliable, remarkable
Pumping the life through her
Coursing within her
The very essence
That kept her moving and aware
But it was so much more
It was her connection
Her centre of feeling
She thought of all the words
Used to describe it
Heartache, heartfelt
Heartless, heartburn
Heartbreak, heartsick
It ached when she felt sad
Leaped when she felt love
Jumped when she felt fear
Sang when she felt joy
How often she took it for granted
Assumed it would just keep beating
and it did
She held her hands over it now
And blessed it
Loved it for its unending service
Thanked it for being there
Through the joy of her children
Through the love of her man
Through the grief of her loss
For the hope of her future
and it beat again......
Our hearts are an amazing organ. Strong, muscular, living organs.
They not only pump our blood around, but it's where we experience many emotions and feelings.
The flutter when we feel a connection with a lover, the bulge of joy felt deep inside, the expansion of love as we watch a child discover new things.
The deep ache of the loss of a loved one, the heartbreak of this incredible grief that sometimes knows no bounds.
Yet, most of the time, it keeps on beating. Keeps working to sustain life within.
Take a moment today to really appreciate the marvellous miracle that is your heart - give it some love back, bless it and feel full gratitude for this amazing instrument.
With a loving heart