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Made of Stars

She felt it as soon as her bare feet

Touched the ground

The connection

The deep heartbeat

Of glorious Mother Earth

She had felt it all her life

This feeling that all was connected


She had pushed it aside

Squashed the deep soul feelings

Sought validation and acceptance

From external means

And still, she came back to here

It stirred more now



Awakening in her a glorious knowing

That here was the time

She had known would come

It had been difficult to be patient

To understand that it could not

Indeed, would not be rushed

Time would unfold as it will

But now as she sat with her feet

Caressing and connecting with the bones

And the soul of Pacha Mama

She knew that it was here

It was time to call in the women

Time to light the fire

Create the hearth

Open the circle

Bring the collective consciousness

Into its full glory

She had always known she was here

For a purpose

An unfolding

That had, until now, been dormant

Stayed unclear, unfocused

She opened her heart and her soul

To what she knew would come next

The gathering of the sistars

The uplifting of the souls

Who had come here at this time

To walk beside those who were ready

To remember

They will know, she told herself

They too, will feel the call

There is no need to shout

For in the stillness, your voice will be heard

All is one, all is connected, all is divine

In peace, love and a sprinkle of magic

Chelle xxx

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