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Tummy Troubles

Hey Goddess, are you there


I'm feeling really flat today

Why, my glorious being

I feel fat and frumpy, wobbly and weak

Tell me more.....

I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror and didn't much like what I saw

Go on.....

This tummy of mine - droopy, stretched, lined with marks - I feel really down about it

This makes you unhappy....

Yes, I wish I could just magic it away

So, let me get this straight, this is the tummy that stretched beyond what you thought was humanly possible to keep your growing babies safe.... Yes?

Um, yes

This is the tummy that houses your internal organs that help to absorb the nourishment with which you feed your body..... Yes?


This is the tummy that you rested your babies on as you fed them life sustaining goodness from the other amazing part of your body, your breasts.... Yes?

Ok, yes.....

Look again, my wondrous creation, at this tummy of yours and run your hands over it.

Remember the wonders it held, the life it held, the love it held.

Remember the way it shrank and returned to await the next life to be protected and nourished.


This tummy you look at and see only its flaws - a remarkable part of an amazing creation that is you, the vehicle in which your Soul resides, your flesh and blood, the very holder of life and love.

Can you see it now for the magnificence that it is, with its wrinkles and lines, each one a reminder of the miracles that resided within?

Well, when you put it that way......

It is the only way.

Look not upon yourself as flawed but rather incredible, for that is what you are.

Thank you Goddess

You are welcome, my beautiful, amazing, magnificent and magical being.


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